
How to deal with unexpected situations in the use of electronic universal tensile machine

Most deformation units use a single-chip 24-bit ultra-low-noise analog-to-digital converter. This chip integrates signal amplification and A / D conversion. Because this set of deformation unit has the characteristics of "single chip as the core and few peripheral circuits", this system has the characteristics of high accuracy, good stability, small linear error, and strong anti-interference ability. Reasonable design and good process layout make the amplifier very stable. It is a single-chip computer unit connected to the amplifier. As the heart of the host, it is responsible for the amplifier's amplifier range conversion, data acquisition, data transmission, test mode selection, and liquid crystal display. Directly read digital quantization, and can pass these data through RS232 Port output, can also receive commands from other devices through RS232 port. Due to the use of a single-chip computer control, this unit has the function of automatic zero adjustment. When zeroing, the electronic universal testing machine only needs to press the zero key on the main interface to automatically reset the whole process, and the zeroing time is extremely short.

The strain gauge extensometer is composed of an elastic element and a strain gauge attached to it. When the extensometer moving arm is stressed, it causes the elastic body to deform and changes the resistance value of the strain gauge attached to it. The bridge loses its balance and outputs a voltage signal proportional to the deformation. Because the electrical signal output by the extensometer is extremely weak, the electronic universal testing machine must be amplified to achieve the required value. This work is completely amplified and converted by the A / D converter. , And then sent to a single-chip computer for processing, display in direct reading mode, and at the same time transmitted to the computer via RS232 for data processing.

As a user, you should also know about some emergency handling methods for unexpected situations in the use of electronic universal tensile machines. The more common ones include:

1. When the electronic universal tensile testing machine is loaded, the pointer trembles or stops at any time: 1) The clutch gear is worn: it needs to be repaired or replaced;

2) The leather washer or spring of the friction disc is worn: the leather washer or spring needs to be replaced; 3) the displacement of the operating handle: adjust the operating handle to make it fit the alveolar well.

2. The pendulum return of the electronic universal tensile testing machine is too fast or too slow: 1) Improper placement of the buffer valve position: Adjust the buffer valve to an appropriate position;

2) The viscosity of hydraulic oil is too low or too high: when the viscosity of hydraulic oil is too low, the pendulum will fall quickly, and when the viscosity is high, it will fall slowly. The hydraulic fluid of appropriate viscosity should be replaced.

3) The buffer valve, oil pipe or hydraulic oil is dirty: clean the buffer valve and oil pipe. Replace the hydraulic oil.


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