
How to test metal material tensile testing machine?

Metal material tensile testing machine tensile test is one of the methods to detect whether the quality of metal materials meets the standard.

So how does the metal material tensile testing machine test? I believe many people have questions. Let's answer them today!

How to test metal material tensile testing machine?

1. Elastic stage

When the initial force is applied to the metal material, the stress-strain ratio increases, and the unloading load can be restored to the original state;

2. Yield stage

The increase of strain is greater than that of stress, and the metal material begins to deform, and the lower limit of stress is the yield point;

3. Strengthening stage

With the increase of strain, the stress also increases. The large value of force is the limit value of tensile strength of metal materials;

4. Necking stage

When the strain increases and the stress decreases, the metal material will produce a "necking" state until it breaks.


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