
Summary of laboratory testing equipment management knowledge

The instruments and equipment in the laboratory are directly used to provide test results or assist in the conduct of tests. They are an important asset of the laboratory and an important test tool. They play a vital role in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of test results.
The management of inspection instruments and equipment is explained from the following aspects

1. Purchase of inspection equipment

(1) The requirement is submitted by the department and submitted to the relevant leaders for approval.
(2) Audit evaluation of suppliers. Generally includes:
A. The supplier's integrity ability The supplier provides qualification certificate.
B. The quality assurance ability research qualification certificate of the supplier, in-depth understanding of various aspects of the supplier.
C. Product technical performance indicators and usage
D. Supplier's after-sales service delivery situation
E. Establish supplier files, including: after-sale telephone contact address, etc.
(3) Choose three instruments and equipment, compare the quality and price, ensure the quality of the inspection, and the price is moderate.
(4) Implementation of procurement:
After confirming the instrument supplier, after appraising the purchase contract with it, it will deliver 80% of the security deposit, deduct 20% of the amount, and pay after normal use.
2. Acceptance of inspection equipment

Before putting the equipment into use, it must go through three steps of installation confirmation, operation confirmation and performance confirmation, so as to provide sufficient guarantee for the normal use of the equipment.
(1) Installation confirmation refers to a series of activities such as the verification of technical information provided by the supplier, the inspection and acceptance of equipment and spare parts, and the installation inspection of equipment to confirm whether they meet the accreditation certification standards and the requirements of the inspection. Generally includes the following:
A. Check that the goods received are correct according to the order contract, and register the instrument name, model, manufacturer name, production date, instrument ex-factory number, instrument measurement instrument number in the company, and installation location, and establish a file for the instrument.
B. Check the equipment certificate, operating manual, maintenance manual, system software and spare parts list, etc.
C. Confirm that the equipment is installed correctly, whether the pipeline connection is correct, and whether the circuit installation is safe and applicable.
(2) Operation confirmation refers to a series of activities to carry out experiments on a single machine or system in accordance with standard operating procedures, and to prove whether the technical parameters of the equipment meet the specified requirements. The method and limit of operation confirmation can be formulated according to the instrument performance index specification. When confirming, keep the original record of the test for future reference.
(3) Performance confirmation is to prove whether the equipment system meets the design standards and approval criteria. Systematic tests conducted on request. Pay special attention to the reliability of specific application tests when performing performance verification. Stability and reproducibility of main parameters.
3. The establishment of inspection equipment

(1) After the acceptance of each instrument and equipment, fill in the relevant information of the instrument and equipment into the instrument and equipment list, and give the number, marked on the obvious position of the instrument.
(2) The basic contents of the instrument and equipment file are as follows: the name of the instrument and its software, the name of the manufacturer, contact information, after-sales service telephone, instrument model, factory number, storage location, production date, company use date when the file is established , Purchase contract, acceptance record, certificate of conformity, packing list, instruction manual, etc. After being put into use: plan and record of verification / calibration / verification, plan and record of maintenance, record of use, record of environmental conditions, damage, failure, modification or repair and scrap list, etc.

4. Check the status of the equipment

Equipment and equipment should have an obvious mark indicating its "verification / calibration" or acceptance status. The equipment and equipment administrator shall paste the status mark according to the results of verification and calibration. The status marks are generally divided into the following types:
A) Intact. Usually green sign, indicating that the equipment is not in use.
B) Stand by. Often yellow sign, indicating that the equipment is in an unused state.
C) Disabled. The red mark indicates that the equipment has been damaged and cannot be used normally, and needs to be repaired in time.
In short, all the instruments and equipment in the laboratory should be completely marked and the status is clear. The user can see the status of the instrument at a glance and it is easy to manage.

5. Traceability of the value of inspection equipment

All instruments and equipment (including other measuring instruments) that fall within the scope of mandatory verification shall be verified by the specified verification / calibration. Only after passing the verification / calibration can the experiment be used. After passing the verification / calibration, it is only a basic measure to ensure that it is in a qualified state within the validity period of the corresponding period, but this does not mean that the verification / calibration inspection equipment is limited. The accuracy within the time limit is always the same. On the contrary, due to the drift of the inspection equipment or the impact of the environment, the equipment changes with its continuous use or the passage of time, so period verification can be used As an important means to verify the credibility of the equipment status. Through the period verification, once deviations are found, measures such as repair and maintenance can be taken in time to reduce or reduce the accuracy of the inspection data as much as possible to ensure the timely inspection cycle and the accuracy of product quality.
During the verification process, attention should be paid to the following aspects:
(A) Determine the scope of equipment to be checked during the period. It is easy to change, the drift rate is large, the environment is more stringent, or the more frequently used instruments and equipment need to be considered for period verification;
(B) During the verification method, generally refer to the instruction manual of the instrument and equipment to test the key or easily changeable technical parameters of the instrument and equipment, and also use the comparative method to conduct the comparative experiment;
(c) The period of verification during the period can be arranged between one day and several times in the middle of the two cycle verification days. The period verification can also be conducted when the following conditions occur, to confirm that the measurement results of the normal equipment and equipment are abnormal. Suspicious data or other suspicious situations;
(D) Recording and processing of verification results during the period. During the period of verification, the verification personnel shall make detailed records. Those who have verified the problems during the period of verification must further analyze. If it is determined that the performance is unqualified and the instrument is faulty, the deactivation mark should be affixed and the instrument should be repaired as soon as possible to avoid delaying the normal use of the instrument.
6. Daily use of inspection equipment
(1) Operators of large-scale precision instruments and equipment must undergo appropriate theoretical operation training. They can only be employed after passing the training. Those without training are not allowed to use them at will.
(2) The operator should strictly follow the operation rules of the instrument and equipment, and make necessary inspections and records before, during, and after use. At the same time, daily maintenance should be done, and large-scale instruments and equipment that are used less frequently And electronic equipment that has not been used for a long time, should be checked at least once a month, and make maintenance records.
(3) Placement of instruments and equipment: The use environment should conform to the specifications of the instrument manual of the technical data. If the instruments and equipment have requirements on the environment, the room where they are placed should have environmental detection and control means, and a dedicated person or an automatic recorder should carry out daily Environmental monitoring records.
(4) The main instruments and equipment should have standard operating procedures for instruments.



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