
Must read! Seven common failures of the test machine and troubleshooting methods

As a necessary equipment to control the quality of the product, how to troubleshoot and ensure the good operation of the machine during use, the operator should learn to find the problem and be able to rule out the following analysis:
Common fault one:
1. The dial pointer has poor sensitivity, it may stop midway after unloading, or the zero position often changes. There are many reasons for this phenomenon.
2. The pulley and its rail on the rack are too dusty and rusty. At this time, you need to remove and clean it, and add a little watch oil.
3. The rotating shaft of the pointer is dirty and should be cleaned.
4. There is contact between the rack bar and the rack bar, which should be loosened.
5. The oil return of the buffer is bad, and it should be adjusted or cleaned.
6. The belt on the force measuring piston has come off or is too loose (making the piston unable to run at a uniform speed).
7. The friction of the force-measuring piston in the oil cylinder is increased or stuck. Apply chromium oxide abrasive paste to the ground until it is normal.
8. The pendulum has obstacles during the lifting process, or the pendulum shaft is too dirty or rusted, which causes the pointer to change to zero.
Common fault two:
1. When doing a tensile test, the specimen fracture is always broken on both sides. The cause of this phenomenon should first consider whether the installation of the main body of the test machine is vertical. If this reason is eliminated, then the following three aspects are excluded.

2. The jaws are not properly aligned during clamping. The specimens should be clamped symmetrically as required. 3. The jaws are of poor quality and the teeth are damaged. In addition to affecting the misalignment of the jaws, it also causes the specimen to slip during the test, making the yield point difficult to identify. The jaws should be replaced at this time.
4. The lifting guide wheel is not adjusted properly, so that the upper and lower jaws are not concentric. A test rod should be machined, after the upper and lower jaws are tightened, the two force columns are used as the basis for measurement with a dial indicator until the adjustment is qualified.
Common fault three:
The position of the pendulum is abnormal, and the pendulum is not aligned vertically.
The main reason is that the oil is too viscous or the oil is too dirty. Remedy: Change oil with appropriate viscosity.
The force measuring piston rotates with great friction or does not rotate. Remedy: Check whether the testing machine is level and troubleshoot the force measuring piston.
There is unstable friction. Remedy: Clean the pendulum bearings, racks, pointers, and reels, adjust the level of the testing machine, and reduce the unstable friction.
Common fault four:
Hammer return is not normal, sometimes fast.
Normally, just turn the bumper into place. However, if the oil hole of the buffer is blocked, or if the steel ball of the buffer valve is in contact with the inlet or the gap is too large, the buffer will fail. The solution is to clean the buffer valve and adjust the gap between the steel ball and the valve seat to about 0.5mm. Place the oil needle knob to reduce the gap between the oil needle and the valve body, and re-list the signs of A.B.C 砣. In addition, when the influence of temperature is large, the oil can be replaced appropriately.
Common fault five:
The passive needle cannot stop well at any position and does not coincide with the main needle.
The removal method is to remove the dial glass, adjust the passive needle spring screw, and adjust the pointer so that it coincides with the main needle.
Common fault six:
When the load is applied, the oil system leaks severely or the oil pipe is broken.
First, check whether the joint of the oil circuit system is tightened. If it is necessary to replace the gasket, replace it in time. If the tubing is ruptured, you need to replace the tubing with a higher strength. In addition, you should also observe whether the oil delivery valve and the overflow valve piston are dead or installed backward.
Common fault seven:
After the specimen breaks, the pendulum quickly falls back, causing impact.
The main reason is the failure of the buffer. In addition to the regular adjustment, you should also consider whether the oil is too thin and dirty.
In short, pay attention to the problems found in the testing machine during use, and eliminate them in time to avoid errors in your test results. Now is to check and adjust the testing machine regularly to ensure the normal use of the testing machine.


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