
What are the commonly used terms of tensile testing machine?

1. Elongation at break - the elongation at which the specimen breaks.

2. Breaking load - the force that causes fracture in tension, compression, bending, or torsion tests. In the tensile test of textiles and yarns, the breaking load is also called breaking strength. In the tensile test of thin strip material or small diameter wire rod, it is difficult to distinguish between the breaking load and the maximum load, so the maximum load is considered as the breaking load.

3. Bond strength - the stress required for the separation of two pieces of metal bonded with adhesive (pulled apart by the bonding area).

4. Beam - the main beam of the testing machine, which moves up and down to produce pressure or tension. The clamp is connected to the beam and the sample is connected to the clamp. The moving distance of the beam in the whole process is measured by rotating the photoelectric encoder.

5. The crossbeam slingshot curve cable connects the moving beam and mechanical appliances, which provide voltage and load signals to the machine as a load cell.

6. Deformation energy - the energy required to deform the material to the specified amount, which is the area surrounded by the stress-strain curve to the specified strain.

7. Adhesion - the degree of adhesion between the coating and the bottom layer

8. Adhesion index - determine the adhesion between enamel and ceramic products and metal sheets

9.α Rockwell hardness the penetration resistance index of a plastic surface to a specific indenter that is subjected to a specific force applied by a Rockwell hardness tester. The higher the value, the higher the indentation hardness.

10. Axial strain - the direction of the force or strain is the same as the direction of the force.

11. Analog circuit board - a circuit board that converts analog signals into digital signals.

12. Pin - steel pin connecting clamp and joint.

13. If the automatic return vehicle - return vehicle is set, the beam will automatically return to zero after the detection.

14. Deformation under load - measures the ability of hard plastics to withstand permanent deformation and the ability of non hard plastics to restore their original shape after deformation. The test methods for testing these two deformations are given. For rigid plastics, deformation is the percentage change in the height of the specimen after 24 hours under the specified load. For non rigid plastics, the proportion of height change after 3 hours under load and the recovery rate of 1-0.5 hours after load removal are described.

15. Peel strength - measure the bond strength of the honeycomb core material node, which is equal to the tensile load applied to the honeycomb panel divided by the product of the panel width and thickness.

16. Denier - the unit of linear density, i.e. the mass (g) of fiber, yarn or other textile thread per 9000 meters.

17. drying strength - the strength of the adhesive part immediately determined after drying or in a prescribed environment for a certain period of time.

18. Ductility - the range in which a material maintains plastic deformation and continues to break. Elongation and section shrinkage are common indicators of ductility.

19. Dynamic creep - creep extrusion expansion at variable load or temperature - the diameter or thickness of the polymer melted from the hard die is usually greater than the diameter (or notch) of the hard die at any time. In general products, the diameter or thickness ratio is 1.20-1.40, the commercial grade polyethylene is 1.50-2.00, and the high molecular weight polymer will be higher. Is an indication of the elasticity of the polymer. Polymers with greater elasticity have greater expansion. Of course, the expansion of the material extruded by the drawing process will be reduced, and the diameter (or thickness) of the extrudate is much smaller than that of the hard die or notch.

20. Diameter - used when the cross section of the specimen is circular.

21. Load eccentricity - the distance between the actual action line of compressive or tensile load and the action line generating equilibrium stress on the cross section of the sample.

22. Edge tear strength - fold the paper into a V-notch and put it into a tensile testing machine to measure its tear resistance. The results are expressed in pounds or kilograms( (see tear strength)

23. Elastic hysteresis - the difference between the strain energy required to produce a specific stress and the elastic energy under stress is the energy consumed by the material in the form of heat in a cyclic dynamic test. Elastic hysteresis divided by elastic deformation energy equals damping capacity.

24. Elastic limit - maximum stress is applicable to materials without permanent deformation. For metals and other materials with obvious segments in the stress-strain curve, the elastic limit is approximately equal to the proportional limit. For materials without significant proportional limit, the elastic limit is only an approximate number (significant elastic limit).

25. The apparent elastic limit stress-strain curve does not have the approximate value of the elastic limit of the material with obvious linear section, which is equivalent to that the strain rate is greater than 50% of the zero stress point. It is also the stress at the tangent point between the stress elastic hysteresis strain curve and the inclined line, which is consistent with the stress axis and 50% greater than the slope at the beginning of the curve.

26. Elasticity - the ability of a material to restore its original shape after the load causing its deformation is eliminated.

27. Elongation - Measurement of the ductility of a material in a tensile test. The elongation of the original gauge divided by the original gauge. The greater the elongation, the better the ductility. Elongation cannot be used to predict the properties of materials subjected to sudden or repeated loads.

28. Embrittlement reduction in ductility due to physical or chemical changes.

29. Endurance - another term for fatigue limit.

30. Engineering stress - the load applied in a tensile or compression test divided by the cross-sectional area of the specimen. When calculating the engineering stress, the change of the cross-sectional area of the sample with the increase or decrease of the load is ignored. Also called specified stress.

31. Extensometer - a tool for measuring linear dimensional changes, also known as strain gauge, which is usually based on strain measurement technology.

32. Bending resistance - the ability of a material to withstand repeated compressive loads without failure.

33. Flexural modulus of elasticity - another term for flexural modulus.

34. Bending strength - the maximum fiber stress produced by the specimen before rupture or fracture in a bending test. In the bending test, if the sample is not broken, the bending yield strength is used instead of the bending strength. Another alternative term is modulus of rupture.

35. Bending test - a test method for testing the performance of materials under simply supported beam load. The specimen is supported on two blades and a load is applied at the midpoint of the specimen. Due to the increase of load, the maximum fiber stress and maximum strain need to be calculated.

36. The results are plotted on the stress-strain curve, and the maximum fiber strength at the fracture is the bending strength. In the bending test, if the sample is not broken, the bending yield strength is used instead of the bending strength.

37. Joint - a joint connected to a force sensor or machine so that the fixture can be connected to the machine.

38. Fatigue - permanent structural changes in a material caused by changing stresses and strains.

39. However, for glass, fatigue is tested by long-term static test, and for some other materials, fatigue is similar to stress fracture. Generally, fatigue failure occurs when the stress level is below the elastic limit.

40. Fatigue life - the number of cycles in which a material is subjected to varying stress and strain before fracture. Fatigue life is a function of stress variation, specimen geometry and test conditions. It is the fatigue cycle under various bending stress levels.

41. Fatigue limit - the maximum fluctuating stress that a material can withstand an infinite number of cycles, usually determined by the S-N chart, is equal to the stress of the asymptote at the corresponding point of the fatigue life of the corresponding large number of fatigue test specimens. Another alternative term is the endurance limit.

42. Fatigue notch factor - the ratio of the fatigue strength of the specimen without stress concentration to the fatigue strength of the specimen with notch or other stress concentration. Because plastic deformation leads to stress release, the fatigue notch factor is generally less than the theoretical stress concentration factor. Replace the term with intensity decay rate.

43. Fatigue ratio - the ratio of fatigue strength or fatigue limit to tensile strength. For many materials, the fatigue ratio can be used to judge the fatigue characteristics from the data obtained from tensile tests.

44. Fatigue strength - the maximum value of the fluctuating stress required for the specimen to break after the specified number of cyclic loading in the fatigue test,

45. Fatigue strength attenuation coefficient - another term for fatigue notch coefficient.

46. Fatigue test - a method of testing the properties of materials under fluctuating loads. The specified average load (possibly 0) and the alternating load applied to the specimen and the number of cycles that produce fracture (fatigue life) are recorded.

47. Fiber stress - the stress passing through a point on a part with uneven stress distribution.


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