
What are the performance characteristics of digital electronic universal testing machine, such as maintenance?

Digital display electronic tensile testing machine can be used to detect the tensile, tearing, peeling, compression, bending, shearing, bursting, puncture, fatigue and other items of metal materials, nonmetal and polymer materials. What are the performance characteristics of digital electronic universal testing machine? Such as maintenance? The following small series will give you a detailed introduction to these two problems

1、 Daily maintenance of digital display electronic tensile testing machine

1. Main machine maintenance of digital display electronic tensile testing machine:

(1) The fixture of the machine should be coated with antirust oil for storage;

(2) As the jaw of the material testing machine is often used, it is easy to wear. When there are too many oxide scales, it is easy to cause small piston damage and oil leakage. Therefore, the jaw should be cleaned frequently and kept clean (cleaning after each test);

(3) The sliding surface of the inlaid steel plate contacting with the lining plate and the dovetail groove surface on the lining plate shall be kept clean, and a thin layer of MoS2 (molybdenum disulfide) grease shall be regularly applied;

(4) Regularly check the screws at the jaw, and tighten them in time if they are loose;

(5) Regularly check the transmission condition of the sprocket, if found loose, please re tension the tensioning wheel;

2. Maintenance of oil source for digital electronic tensile test:

(1) Regularly check whether there is oil leakage at the main engine and oil source. If there is oil leakage, replace the sealing ring or combined gasket in time;

(2) According to the service condition of the machine and the service life of the oil, regularly replace the oil suction filter and filter element, and replace the hydraulic oil.

(3) When the digital display electronic tensile testing machine does not do the test for a long time, pay attention to turn off the main power supply. If the machine is in standby mode, the change-over switch should be turned to the "load" position, because if the change-over switch is turned to the "fast reverse" position, the electromagnetic directional valve is always in the power on state, which will affect the service life of the device.

3. Maintenance of control system of digital display electronic tensile testing machine:

(1) Regularly check whether the connecting line of the rear panel of the controller is in good contact, and if it is loose, it should be tightened in time;

(2) If the machine is not used for a long time after the test, turn off the controller and computer;

(3) The interface on the controller is one-to-one correspondence, and the wrong interface may cause damage to the device;

(4) The controller must be powered off to plug in and out the interface on the controller.


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