
What to do if there is data abnormality in the pull tester application

Depending on the industry, we can divide the tensile testing machines into different types, namely:
1. Metal tensile testing machine: The metal material has large tensile strength and small elongation, and it needs to be equipped with a metal punctuation extensometer.
2. Rubber tensile testing machine: The elongation of rubber or elastomer is relatively large, and a large punctuation elongation device is required. At the same time, the fixture design should consider the characteristics suitable for rubber and cannot slip. O-ring fixtures, tire industry fixtures, etc. can be added.
3. Plastic tensile testing machine: The tensile strength of plastic is larger than that of rubber, the elongation is large and small, and the three-point bending test is often tested.
4, textile tensile testing machine: the textile industry needs to test fabric fabric stripping, puncture, tear, single yarn stretching and other tests, fixtures and software is special.
5, paper tensile testing machine: paper needs to test tensile strength, ring pressure strength, vertical pressure, flat pressure, side pressure, peel strength, etc., more fixtures.
6, leather tensile testing machine: leather needs to test tensile strength, tear strength, etc., the test project is relatively simple.
In the actual application of the tensile testing machine, if there is abnormal vibration and noise of the equipment and abnormal test data, the user can refer to the following solutions:
1. Test data is abnormal: 1) Please make sure that the “test piece” is clamped correctly. If not, please clamp it.
2) Please check if the “Strength Sensor” and “Decoder” settings are correct. If not, please refer to the operating instructions and the settings are completed.
3) Please check if the “power zero button” and “deformation zero button” are pressed before the test starts. If no, please restart the test and press the “power zero button” and “deformation zero button” before the test. ".
2. Abnormal vibration and noise: 1) Please check whether the four feet of the machine are in contact with the pedestal. If not, please adjust the four feet to make the average contact.
2) Check if the system power supply voltage is normal and stable. If not, please replace the stable normal power supply.
3) Check if the screws on each part of the machine are loose. If it is loose, tighten the screws.


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